Professional Photographer
Capture the memory
honour the story
“Only photography has been able to divide human life into a series of moments, each of them has the value of a complete existence.”
- Eadweard Muybridge

The bases of my photographic work, and at the heart of my artistic process, is the endeavour to reveal and commemorate that story which is seldom seen by the public eye, but is felt and experienced within the lives and indeed the very soul of every individual.
The moment between moments.
A vital component of achieving my visual goal of honouring the story of my subject is by building a connection and emotional understanding with them.
Reason, reminisce
and reflect
"photography is the simultaneous recognition, in a fraction of a second, of the significance of an event."
- Henri Cartier-Bresson

Narrative, chronicle, the exploration into a unique individual subject and their personal story, is inextricably bound by composition. My photographic visual language integrates angular cuts that purposefully yet subtly dissect allowing the sensation of the subject being viewed incidentally as if by accident, simply existing. Reflections and the spontaneous utilisation of natural light within my work further serves to emphasise the notion of a sublime moment in time.
Connect with me
begin a journey
Do you have a story to tell?

Do you have a special story you want to share and memorialise?
My passion is connecting with unique people. Get in touch, lets have a chat, lets get to know one another (I love coffee). If your story is compelling I want to help you tell it.
Corporate and workspace

Whether you're a large office space or compact studio the right photography and images can significantly improve your relationship with the work environment and up your productivity. Let me help you bring inspiration to your workspace
Your kind
It has, and continues to be one of my greatest pleasures in life, building a connection with the diverse clients with whom I've worked.. The process through which I work with my clients and the trust and openness they have extended to me means we really do build a meaningful relationship and in many cases a friendship.
From the bottom of my heart
Thank you!
“I think it is all a matter of love; the more you love a memory the stronger and stranger it becomes”
-Vladimir Nabokov